Ivy League Pages - Part Deux

When something works, why fight it? Last fall I used the Ivy League Page kit to scrap my daughter's high school graduation. Because of it's school-related theme, it was a no-brainer. You can see the finished pages on the Club Scrap blog.

The color palette and sentiments are great for many other occasions, too. I decided to make a second set of pages, and I had no trouble finding the perfect photos to fill them.

I love the reference to singing the alphabet song (on the cutapart sentiment) and thought it would be fun for selfies I took with my friend's twin granddaughters.

Ivy League Layouts 1 & 2
These pages were a fun way to remember a visit to Novi, MI, for an expo last year. I was able to add smaller photos to two of the cutaparts, and stretch a horizontal photo across a pair of small vertical mats on this two-page spread.

Ivy League Layout 3 & 4
More expo memories! Tricia, Rita and I travel together. A lot. It's fun to snap pics of our adventures. But after a while, these trips start to all blend together in my mind. Scrapping them right away helps me remember the fun (and hard work) that goes into each of these shows.

I added two In Bloom botanical stickers to the tiny mats on the left.

Ivy League Layout 5 & 6
One of our local restaurants, Good Company, actually has a "library" dining room. It's one of our favorite places. Emma usually chooses it for her birthday dinner because she loves having their skillet chocolate chip cookie for dessert. Mmmm...

I didn't change much about the layout, other than trimming two small horizontal photos to fit the cutapart on the left page.

Ivy League Layout 7 & 8

Have a favorite page kit or theme? Use it--more than once if you want. Why not? The chances of the layouts being all in a row, much less in the same scrapbook, are pretty slim. Seeing your favorites will bring you joy every time you re-visit your scrapbooks. And that's what it's really about, isn't it?

Happy scrapping!


  1. I heartily agree with this, Karen! I love that you're getting your pics scrapped so quickly. I know it's because you're caught up and you've worked for a scrapbook company for a *few* years. I'm so trying to focus on getting some old family trips scrapped (i.e., a cruise my family took in 2010, Disney vacations in 2003 AND 2013, etc, Washington DC in 2016). I *finally* just scrapped some pictures from a CS retreat in 2009! Your current pics are an inspiration to Get.Them.Scrapped (sooner than later).

    1. Truth be told, there is still a gap in years from when my children were small that need scrapping. I was so busy with the kids, I didn't have time to do anything with the pics. Now that I have more free time, I need to go back and get those scrapped.


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